A cat with a rubber ducky on his head

How to Groom Your Cat

Is it possible to groom your cat? Well, you can’t teach an old cat new tricks, or can you? Most cats do not like water. If you have a younger cat, it is easier to groom them, than trying to groom an older cat. Most older cats are set in their ways and they have their own routines that they don’t want to deviate from. Most of the time, older cats do not want you to groom them, so you have to have great patience when training them to be groomed. Some cats will never tolerate you to put water on them, but they may allow you to brush them.

How to Brush Your Cat

When you brush your cat use a soft brush or a mitten brush. Allow your cat to sniff and smell the brush before handling them, this will put them at ease. A playful cat may want to play with the brush. Pet your cat to calm them with one hand, and with the other hand try brushing them.

How to Bath Your Cat

When bathing your cat, put very little water in a tub or a sink, just enough to cover your cats paws. Avoid washing your cats face or head. As you clean your cat look for lumps, flea bites and red skin. Also, look in the cats ears for redness as well.  When cleaning your cat’s ears, clean it with a cotton ball; never ever use a Q-tip because that will damage your cat’s ears. 

While grooming your cat try giving them treats, petting and playing with them throughout the process to give them comfort during an uncomfortable time.